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Outline of ID numbering

How IDs are generated in various collection-based products

In products such as the HumanitiesCMD, ResourceMD and CollectorsMD, ID numbering is accommodated in the following ways:
  • Item ID: This is a unique ID that you enter which can consist of symbols, numbers and alpha characters; for example: 1/100A is accepted.
  • Coll. / Class. ID: This in ID field used for any other ID associated with the Item. It can be a Dewey Number, Collection ID, Stock ID, Inventory ID, etc. You can enter more than one ID in this field and seperate then using a slash '/' (for example). The following would be accepted: MyColl / 45_01. The ID can consist of symbols, numbers and alpha characters.
  • Auto ID: This is an automatically generated unique ID. It cannot be edited and if you delete a record, it is never used again. This ID is useful for audit ing purposes.
  • Other IDs: This option is available via Description > Navigation and allows you to add any number of other IDs associated with an Item. Note: if you click Show All you can search across all the Others ID and click through to the Item Description.
  • Temporary ID: This ID is stored on the Management form and is any number given to an Item prior to being accepted into a collection or as part of your stock.

Click the image for a view of: ID options
ID options


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